How To Choose The Best Hunting Binocular – Pick The Best One

How to choose Best Binocular?

Choosing Best Binocular is the one of the most concern things. Individuals are having doubts about what is the best binocular? What is good in price? What binoculars will meet your needs? No need to worry. We are here to solve your problem.

When we choose a pair of binoculars for Bird watching, hunting, outdoor activities, sports and different activities etc. There are some important things to notice: magnification, image quality, prism type, your needs, your budget etc. Pick the best hunting binocular to follow your passion.

Some Important Things To Notice Before Buying Binocular

Best Hunting Binocular


There are different specifications available in the market regarding binoculars. It is available in 8x to 10x and above than this. 8x magnification in binocular gives you a good brighter and a clear view. 10x Magnification in binoculars give a great view with detailed images when objects are at a larger distance. Now you are thinking that when you go above 10x you’ll see a better view no that’s not true even though when you’ll magnify your image above this then you will not be able to see steadiness in your view. So 10x is perfect Magnification definitely it will fulfill your needs. The main thing to notice when you buy above this is that the weight of the binocular will be heavy and difficult to manage.

Objective Lens

Objective Lens is all about how much light the binoculars will observe. the larger the objective lens, the better view you’ll get. Larger objective lenses also work at night such as night sky viewing, bird watching. But when you have a plan to watch lions on sunny days or whales in the sea then light will work against you and your view. So Sometimes Small size of objective lens is also good. A 32 mm objective lens is good to see a limited amount of detail but when you go below then it will be an unsatisfactory decision for you. a 42 mm objective lens is better and it will fulfill all your needs. 50mm is also better than this but it will be heavier and expensive as well.

Prism Type

There are two main types of prism available in the market one is roof prism the other one is porro prism Binocular. Now how we will decide what type of prism is this. When the eyepiece is in direct line with an objective lens then this is roof prism. When the eyepiece is not in a direct line with an objective lens then it is Porro prism. Porro prism is slightly good in image quality and also in cost but they are less durable and not waterproof. Roof prism is available with more compact design, higher quality waterproof, better magnification and slimmer. But roof prisms are a little bit expensive and sometimes you can lose depth and clarity of image.

Optical Coating

Coating is available in two categories: one is single layer coating and the other one is multi layer coating. It is available on the surface of an objective lens. It helps to reduce the light reflection. Good coating not is in your binocular so you can lose light and glare. Multi layer coating helps to reduce light reflection that cannot be reduced by single layer coating. So for a brighter and clear vision of image choose multi layer coating instead single layer of coating.

Exit Pupil

It will help when you want to see a brighter and clearer image. Exit pupil will be obtained when you divide the objective lens by magnification. The larger the exit pupil, the great vision you’ll get. The 7mm exit pupil is better for a brighter, wider, larger image.


Now I hope you have the idea how to choose the best binocular to follow your passion. Try Before Buy Binocular That is a mantra for all of us. Follow the Buying Guide And pick the best one for yourself. Spotting Scope is also a better option instead Binocular you can also try it. Binocular Will Take You Closer To the World. Create beautiful memory with the nature.

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